Don’t Forget This Tip for Keeping Car Insurance Premiums Down

Tip for Keeping Car Insurance Premiums Down

Many factors determine what you’ll pay for car insurance—things like how expensive your vehicle is, how old you are, and how good your credit is. But don’t forget one of the most important rating factors if you want the cheapest car insurance: keeping your driving record clean!

Driving safely in Florida can keep your Car Insurance Premiums Down

While driving safely may seem like common sense, it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of basic defensive driving principles. Driving safely helps you avoid costly tickets which raise your insurance rates—and it also helps you—and your passengers—stay safe from auto accidents.

Now that kids are back in school there may be more traffic, and thus more distractions, on the road. We’re also still in our summer weather pattern and may face driving through heavy rainstorms. Florida drivers, who pay some of the most expensive car insurance premiums in the U.S., need all the help they can get. Here are some tips from the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles that could keep you from getting a ticket and/or being in a car accident and seeing your car insurance rates rise because of it.

Drive defensively. This means being constantly aware of what is happening around you.

  • Are there children playing next to the road, and could they run out into the street?
  • Is someone backing out of a driveway up ahead?
  • If it’s raining, do you have your wipers and lights on, and are you slowing down if necessary?
  • Are you following the vehicle ahead of you too closely?

Defensive drivers do everything they can to watch for danger and avoid a crash.

Avoid bad drivers. If you see someone tailgating, failing to signal, speeding, swerving, or changing lanes unexpectedly, back off! Their distraction could cause an accident—and even if it’s not your fault, you don’t want to be caught up in a situation like that.

Never drink and drive. It’s just not worth it. Aside from the danger to yourself and others, if you drive while impaired and are cited for DUI, expect your car insurance to skyrocket.

Focus on the road. Don’t talk or text on your cell phone, adjust the radio, eat or drink, or turn to look at others in the car while you’re driving. Pull over and stop if you must do any of these things.

Don’t drive aggressively. Aggressive drivers often cause accidents. If you find yourself yelling at other drivers, speeding up so that other drivers can’t merge in front of you, or tailgating, you might be an aggressive driver! And if another driver makes you angry, let it go. Report a dangerous driver to the police—don’t try to “teach them a lesson.”  

L & M Insurance Group—your source for car insurance

While it’s true that good drivers will pay less for their car insurance, L & M Insurance Group can still help you find an auto insurance policy if your driving record isn’t perfect. Because we are an independent insurance agency, we write with many different car insurance companies. Whether you have a clean driving record or violations, good credit or bad credit, PIP claims, or if you need an SR-22 or FR-44—we have a partner company who will write your business. Give us a call at 813-672-4100 or click here for a car insurance quote.

Need a commercial auto policy? L & M Insurance Group writes commercial auto policies for every type of business! Call us today at 813-672-4100.

For more information on safe driving:

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

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